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Moms Building Wealth Interview


I hope to share Interviews with other moms who are building wealth in all areas of their lives. I hope to encourage and motivate you.

Here is our first Interview with the amazing Tarsha Campbell, someone I have had the privilege and honor to have met personally.

My name is Tarsha Campbell. I’m what I call an “empowerment engineer”. I create viable solutions to move people forward. I serve my community as an award-winning business and spiritual leader.

In my business Tarsha Campbell Empowers, LLC, I help emerging leaders launch successful businesses and organizations by helping them clarify their next move and take their next steps.


This business is also the platform where I serve as an 9x author and international empowerment speaker. I love to inspire and empower leaders to realize their potential and step into their God-given purpose and destiny. I also serve others as a certified life and empowerment coach.


In my business DOMINIONHOUSE Publishing & Design, LLC, I serve my clients as a graphic designer, art director, and publisher. I help leaders create successful brands and take their messages and publications to the marketplace and beyond with excellence.


For more information on how I empower, I invite you to visit these links:


Website: www.TarshaCampbellEmpowers.com, www.mydominionhouse.com,

Instagram: @TarshaCampbell

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TarshaLCampbell

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarsha-campbell-empowers/

Other: linktr.ee/Tarsha Campbell



  1. Balancing Act:
    • Managing a small business while being a mom can be a challenging balancing act. How do you prioritize your time and responsibilities to achieve success both at home and in your business?


To manage my businesses and the other important things I do each day, I have developed a strategy called, “My Next Step Strategy®.” This strategy includes focusing on seven key areas of my life each day and planning small steps to move me forward in each area. These seven areas include spiritual, relational, health and fitness, financial, business, ministry/community service, and educational.


I created a journal-planner called a My Next Step Vision Board Dream Journal & Planner® which houses the “My Next Step Strategy®” and helps me prioritize and write out what I’m going to do in each of these areas daily, along with space to focus on special projects and initiatives I take on and launch each week. I have used this journal planner for six years and have had amazing results staying focused, balanced, and accomplishing what I set out to do each day and each year. (For info, visit: VisionBoardJournal.com)


  1. Defining Wealth:
    • In Moms Building Wealth, we embrace the idea that wealth extends beyond financial success. How do you personally define wealth, and what aspects of your life contribute to your overall sense of success?


Like Moms Building Wealth (MBW), similarly, I embrace the idea that wealth extends beyond financial success. For me, wealth includes creating an impactful legacy that positively benefits your family, and those you are privileged to serve outside your family, like your community. I feel most successful when I know I have used my gifts, talents, wisdom, influence, and resources to help others become the highest version of themselves they can be. To me, this is true wealth-building.


  1. Challenges and Triumphs:
    • Every entrepreneurial journey comes with its set of challenges. Can you share a significant challenge you faced as a Mompreneur and how you overcame it? What lessons did you learn in the process?


For the most part, my journey as a mompreneur has been smooth. Of course, with most of what you encounter and do in life there is the probability you will face some struggles along the way. I can say I have experienced a few.


One of the greatest struggles for me when I first started out was not being sure of myself. During this time, I constantly had to reassure myself I had what it took to make this entrepreneurial thing work and deliver for my clients, plus build a business in the process. Over time, I won in this area by studying my industry and fortifying my craft and skills. This helped to build my confidence and allowed me to continue to grow as a mompreneur.


  1. Support System:
    • Building wealth, in its various forms, often requires a strong support system. How do you nurture and rely on your support network, both personally and professionally, to help you succeed?


My support system is mainly my immediate family and a few close friends. I nurture and rely on my support system by making sure my support system knows I’m there for them. I believe in sowing seeds of support into the lives of my support system (and beyond), with the belief I will yield a harvest of what’s been sown, even if those in my support system can’t give me the same level of support. I believe God will somehow send me the support I need. I leave it in His hands.



  1. Mindset Matters:
    • A positive mindset is crucial for success. How do you maintain a positive and resilient mindset, especially during challenging times? Are there specific habits or practices that contribute to your mental well-being?


So correct. A positive mindset is crucial for success. For me, to maintain a positive and resilient mindset, especially during challenging times, I lean heavily upon the tenets of my faith as found in the Word of God (the Bible). I intentionally choose to believe the positive things the Word of God says about me. I also intentionally choose to believe God’s power strengthens me to be victorious when facing challenging times. I stand as an overcomer by His power in me.


  1. Goal Setting:
    • Setting and achieving goals is a key aspect of building wealth. How do you approach goal setting in your personal and business life? Can you share a specific goal you’ve achieved and the steps you took to make it a reality?


To answer your question, I will refer to my answer to the first question. I use the “My Next Step Strategy®” when it comes to achieving my goals in my personal and business life. Having a practical strategy that you can implement every day is key. Being consistent and sticking with positive habits that work has been critical to me successfully achieving my goals in the timeframes I set for myself.


A goal I more recently achieved was launching an empowerment course to meet the felt needs of my target audience. The first thing I did was tap into the power of vision by writing out what it would look like when this course was fully manifested. I then noted the steps I needed to take to see this vision come to fruition. The next thing was to note the date when I wanted this course to launch. Then, I moved forward each day taking steps towards where I wanted to be until the vision was fully executed and became a reality.



  1. Work-Life Integration:
    • Achieving success in all areas of life often involves integrating work and personal life. How do you create harmony between your business endeavors and family life? Are there specific strategies or rituals that help you achieve this integration?


To create harmony between business endeavors and family life, I create boundaries between the two, so they don’t collide with each other. My top boundary mainly consists of having a set time for each. For example, once I’m done with business at a certain time of the day, I don’t go beyond that set boundary into my personal life, like my family time.


Another example, is if I go on vacation with my husband or family, I don’t make plans to also bring my computer and work on client projects or answering emails while away. The projects and the emails will have to wait until I’m back in my office and I let my clients know this. Setting boundaries with your clients is key too.


  1. Lessons for Others:
    • What advice would you give to other moms who are considering starting their own small businesses or pursuing their passion while raising a family? Are there key lessons you wish you had known when you started?


My advice would include telling other moms to believe in their dream to be an entrepreneur and then take time to chart out a path to fulfillment. Don’t be afraid to ask others who have walked that way for insight and let research be a big part of your growth process.


One key lesson I wish I had known was I didn’t have to burn the candle on both ends. I learned after many years of an intensive workload and constantly going, that I was setting myself up for failure physically. My body could only take so much of the high-intensity schedule and workload before it would yield negative results. It wasn’t until I faced a health challenge, that I got the message I needed to be more balanced in my entrepreneurial pursuits, my family life, and in all the extra things I was doing at that time. I learned through that challenging time I didn’t have to be superwoman all the time to everyone and in every situation.


  1. Looking Ahead:
    • As we approach the New Year, what are your goals and aspirations for your business and personal life? How do you plan to continue building wealth and success in the coming year?


As I approach the New Year, my goals include launching more empowerment initiatives and programs to help women create additional revenue streams for themselves and their families. I also want to help people who feel stuck, get unstuck, and move forward to be the best version of themselves they can be.


For me, I plan to continue building wealth by researching and studying new interests I have and seeing how I can launch businesses from them.


I also plan to intentionally build new relationships beyond my current spheres of influence. I plan to step into new rooms where my mind can be stretched and grow.


Thank you for the privilege to share. All the best and sweet success to every mompreneur reading about my journey.

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