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Embracing the Rhythm of Your Life

Why This Season Needs You (Not the Other Way Around)

Hey moms! Remember those days when you could burn the candle at both ends? Four hours of sleep? Piece of cake! Early mornings were your prime time, ideas flowed freely, and the world felt like your oyster. Yeah, me too. I used to brag about how I could wake up without an alarm clock.  But here’s the thing: life has seasons, and just like the leaves change, so do we. ( It is not necessarily a sad thing) 

Now, at 53 and smack dab in the middle of perimenopause, forget about conquering the dawn. Sleep has become my sacred grail. Those pre-dawn creative spurts are a distant memory, replaced by the desperate desire for just one more snooze. And guess what? Fighting only makes things worse.

Here’s the truth bomb I had to swallow: my body needs what it needs. Iron deficiency anemia doesn’t exactly make things easier, so rest has become a non-negotiable. The good news? When I listen to my body’s rhythm, magic happens. Sure, I might not be a sunrise superstar anymore, but those late-night brainstorming sessions? They’re back, fueled by a well-rested mind (even if it means a later start).

Here’s the thing, sister: We spend so much time longing for the “good old days” or stressing about what we “should” be doing, that we forget to appreciate the season we’re in. Maybe you’re a new mom, sleep-deprived but overflowing with love. Maybe you’re an empty nester, rediscovering forgotten passions. Every season has its beauty, its challenges, and its unique gifts.

Here’s what I’m learning to embrace:

  • Listen to your body. It’s your wisest advisor. Need more sleep? Take it! Craving a quiet afternoon? Make it happen.
  • Focus on what thrives now. Maybe early mornings aren’t your jam anymore, but perhaps evenings are perfect for creative pursuits.
  • Let go of comparisons. The woman you were at 25 is different from the amazing woman you are today. Celebrate both!

This season of your life needs you, mama, not the other way around. So ditch the guilt, embrace the rest, and get ready to bloom where you’re planted. You’ve got this!

Here are some additional links that will help and guide you towards this journey #selflove #selfcare #selflove #peace


On the Importance of Sleep:

On Iron Deficiency Anemia:

On Perimenopause:

If you have not already done so, please read to help with your #selflove and #self-care journey.

Moms Finding Balance

Mindfulness of Self-Compassion



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